Summer Camp 2014
Summer Camp 2017
Summer Camp 2017
Voyagers 2017
Voyagers 2017
Trailblazers II 2017
Trailblazers II 2017
Pathfinders 2017
Pathfinders 2017
Explorers 2017
Explorers 2017
The Lutheran Camp on Petit Jean Mountain
for nothing
Be an ious
Philippians 4:6-7
Oct. 25-27, 2024 Junior High
Feb. 21-23, 2025 Senior High
Philippians 4:6-7​ "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God."​​
In an age of anxiety, where affluence and self-promotion have not only failed to produce contentment but have instead magnified a general sense of futility about life, Jesus alone provides the solution. And he promises something no amount of material blessings, achievements or popularity can — the peace that passes all human understanding. That peace is found only in faith in Jesus Christ, whose suffering and death were necessary to pay the penalty our sins deserved. At this year's Linkt retreat young people will learn more about how to recognize the philosophies of our age that sow doubt about personal identity, relationships, faith and life.
Aaron Davis will be the retreat speaker. Known to summer campers as "Mountain Man," Davis has served as Camp Trinity's operations manager for five years and has been tabbed as the next camp director beginning Jan. 1, 2025.
Dana Johnson from St. John's Lutheran Church in Lafe, Ark., will lead the music and worship.
Youth retreats for congregations of the Mid-South District LC-MS
Linkt youth retreats began in February 2015 to link youth from congregations of the Mid-South District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and to proclaim the good news that Jesus Christ came to seek and save the lost. Since the first Linkt, more than 1,300 youth and adult leaders have come together for games, hikes, service projects, meals, campfires, worship, music and fellowship — to the glory of God.
Junior high Linkt retreats are held in the fall, senior high in winter. The retreats for the 2024-2025 school year are Oct. 25-27, 2024 (junior high) and Feb. 21-23, 2025 (senior high).
Please check back on this page or your LCMS church bulletin for details on the Linkt retreats for the 2024-2025 academic year.
General Information
Retreat Details:​
Adult Leaders: Each congregation provides their own adult counselors for their youth. The recommended ratio is one adult, age 21 or older, for every 6 youth. If your church is bringing both male and female youth, please bring both male and female adult leaders. If you have trouble meeting this requirement, contact the camp office; youth can be assigned to another congregation's youth group and adult leaders.
Camp checklist -- Bible, sleeping bag, pillow, towel, toiletries, warm clothing, flashlight, sturdy shoes.
Check-in: Groups will check in Friday between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. The program begins at 9 p.m.
Check-out: Activities will wrap up with lunch Sunday. The retreat ends around 1 p.m.
Forms: Every youth participant must have a medical release form and a signed camp policy form modeled after the Mid-South District policy form. Bring these to check-in.
Lodging: Retreat-goers will stay in either bunkhouse style cabins or the retreat lodge. The cabins are heated and have bathrooms with showers.
Worship: The final worship service is Sunday at 10 a.m. Parents and guests are invited to join us.
Registration Information:
Weekend Registration Price: $125/person if paid by Oct. 6 (Junior high) or Feb. 1 (Senior high). A nonrefundable deposit of $50 reserves a spot. The price covers meals, lodging, speakers and activities. The price is $150/person for churches that register youth and adult leaders after the registration deadline.
Registration Deadline: Registration deadlines have yet to be set for the 2024-2025 school year.. Registration is complete when you've mailed or emailed the Linkt registration form and paid the $50/person deposit. Congregations can pay the registrations online using the PayPal button the home page of this website.
Registration Form: To receive a registration form, email your request to the camp office:
Make checks payable to Camp Trinity.
Mailing Address: Camp Trinity, 110 Montgomery TRCE, Morrilton AR 72110
Direct questions and requests to the camp office at 501-652-6304 or
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10